Elvis came by to see me after he had a rather large growth removed from his ear successfully, and he is beaming with joy. I am gushing with delight & just had to share this with you guys.
Elvis is twelve human years old; he has a very loving mom, Rozanne, who just adores Elvis and has done a wonderful job of nurturing him back to full strength.
It’s been three weeks since Elvis had his operation and Rozanne has done an incredible job with his journey through recovery.
Rozanne suggests lovely walks along the beach, topping up on the elements, a consistently balanced diet, a little rose quartz crystal in his water for cleansing, calming and keeping his chakras in balance & reiki healing, of which many sessions were reiki distance healing, under the circumstances, sent through mindful meditation, and an enchanting connection, much love with endless cuddles with a mind Full of conscious for optimum good health, balance & wellbeing...
The animal kingdom can make a full recovery from disease with the power of love and holistic healing.